The 7th Annual Bates-Hendricks Street Fest
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Saturday, Sep 9, 2023 3pm - 8pm
Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood, Intersection of Lincoln and New Jersey Street
Join Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood to celebrate the seventh annual Street Fest on the corner of Lincoln and New Jersey Streets!
Street Fest features food, music, family-friendly activities, local vendors, and community groups gathering to celebrate our wonderful community!
The event is free to attend with a recommended $5 donation per person or donation of school supplies, sanitation supplies, or personal hygiene items for James A. Garfield IPS School 31 and Southeast Neighborhood School of Excellence (SENSE).
The Official Street Fest After Party will be hosted at BowHaus Tap (1729 S. East Street) with Karaoke starting at 9:00 pm.
Event Website:
Volunteer Sign Up: