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Firefighters Survive Alive!

Category Museum Memorial & Historic Site


748 Massachusetts Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 327-6707

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The Survive Alive Program that is located in the headquarters for Firefighters Local Union 416. Survive Alive is staffed by IFD personnel and teaches young visitors about the dangers of fire, how to “Stop, Drop and Roll” to extinguish clothing that might catch on fire, and how to react if they should have a fire in their home. Survive Alive also helps to familiarize children with firefighters who – when fully outfitted in helmet, coat and breathing apparatus take on the appearance of Darth Vader – might frighten children into hiding during an emergency. The Survive Alive Program also teaches children the EDITH Program. EDITH stands for “Exit Drills in the House” and teaches youngsters how to escape from a burning building.

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