Goodfellas Pizzeria
Category Pizza
545 Massachusetts Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 602-3401
Pizza is what we do... and we pride ourselves on staying true to our New York roots! We believe that everyone should experience the culture of an independent business focused on family and community. Not only do we have a passion for pizza, we have passion for our customers. Come in and let us prove to you why they call us "Goodfellas".
Nearby Art & Culture & Entertainment
- Old National Centre502 North New Jersey Street (96 feet SE)
- The Athenaeum Basile Theatre401 East Michigan Street (208 feet SE)
- Young Actors Theatre401 East Michigan Street (208 feet SE)
- Chatterbox Jazz Club435 Massachusetts Avenue (357 feet SW)
Nearby Businesses & Needs
- YMCA at the Athenaeum401 East Michigan Street (208 feet SE)
- Club Pilaties530 Massachusetts Ave (358 feet NE)
- Eat the Frog Fitness530 Massachusetts Ave (358 feet NE)
- State Farm Insurance440 Massachusetts Ave. (390 feet SW)
Nearby Education
- Center for Inquiry - Benjamin Harrison School 2725 North New Jersey Street (1043 feet NE)
- Health Care Education & Training445 North Pennsylvania Street (0.3 miles W)
- Paramount Schools Of Excellence350 Massachusetts Avenue (0.3 miles SW)
- Indianapolis Public Schools120 East Walnut Street (0.3 miles NW)
Nearby Parking
- Old National Centre (Murat) Main Lot501 Alabama Street (96 feet SE)
- Michigan & Alabama Lot307 East Michigan Street (391 feet SW)
- Lockerbie Court Lot435 Massachusetts Avenue (411 feet SW)
- Old National Centre (Murat) North Lot312 East North Street (489 feet N)