OakBridge Properties, LLC
Categories Commercial Building Property Development
Nearby Art & Culture & Entertainment
- ComedySportz Indianapolis721 Massachusetts Avenue (199 feet W)
- Indianapolis Fire Museum and the Fallen Firefighters Memoria748 Massachusetts Avenue (304 feet NW)
- Peace Water Winery747 North College Avenue (315 feet N)
- Phoenix Theatre705 North Illinois Street (439 feet W)
Nearby Businesses & Needs
- Phanomen750 North College Avenue (217 feet NE)
- The Imus Group611 North Park Street (341 feet SW)
- Mass Appeal700 Massachusetts Ave. (402 feet W)
- Firefighters Federal Credit Union726 Massachusetts Avenue (413 feet NW)
Nearby Education
- Center for Inquiry - Benjamin Harrison School 2725 North New Jersey Street (0.2 miles W)
- Indianapolis Christian School8610 W. 10th St. (0.3 miles NW)
- Indianapolis Public Schools120 East Walnut Street (0.5 miles W)
- Health Care Education & Training445 North Pennsylvania Street (0.6 miles W)
Nearby Parking
- Mesh Lot725 Massachusetts Avenue (174 feet W)
- FlexePark Lot 7620811 Massachusetts Ave (522 feet NW)
- Survive Alive Lot748 Massachusetts Avenue (583 feet NE)
- North Street Lot602 North Park Avenue (730 feet SW)