Vital Skates
Category Apparel
1022 Virginia Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46203
(317) 638-5920
Vital Skates provides top quality goods and services to all levels of roller skaters with a focus on roller derby. We have the knowledge to fit and sell boots, plates and complete skates from top manufacturers, and we know what wheels work best on which surfaces. We have probably bouted on those surfaces at one point in time or another. We will also offer personalization transforming any t-shirt into a scrimmage jersey on the fly.Nearby Art & Culture & Entertainment
- HI-FI1043 Virginia Avenue #4 (60 feet SW)
- Murphy Arts Center1043 Virginia Avenue (60 feet SW)
- Fountain Square Library1066 Virginia Avenue (325 feet SE)
- Square Cat Vinyl1054 Virginia Avenue (367 feet SE)
Nearby Businesses & Needs
- Well Done Marketing1043 Virginia Avenue (60 feet SW)
- Idle Time Topics1029 Virginia Avenue (123 feet NW)
- The Wellness Garden1048 Virginia Avenue (293 feet SE)
- Metonymy Media 1052 Virginia Avenue (422 feet SW)
Nearby Education
- Emmaus Lutheran School1224 Laurel St. (0.3 miles SE)
- Fletcher Place Preschool1637 Prospect Street (0.4 miles E)
- SENSE Charter School1601 South Barth Avenue (0.5 miles S)
- William McKinley School 391733 Spann Ave. (0.6 miles NE)
Nearby Parking
- FlexePark Lot 2486880 Virginia Ave (0.2 miles NW)
- Pinnex Resident Parking931 Fletcher Ave (0.3 miles N)
- Lilly Parking Structure 2940 South East Street (0.5 miles W)
- Lilly Lot 16893 South Delaware Street (0.7 miles W)