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Downtown: The Safest District in the County 

With less than 4 percent of the city’s crimes* occurring Downtown, addressing the perception of safety of our urban core remains paramount. To do this, several tactical security strategies work collectively:

    leadershipLeadership: IMPD Sergeant Kim Evans also serves as DII’s director of safety and security linking IMPD’s efforts squarely into the daily work of our organization as she connects with members and stakeholders.

    staffingStaffing: DII full-time Safety Ambassadors patrol downtown on foot and provide “eyes and ears” of unwelcome activity. They also assist guests, employers and residents with information and directions and participate with homeless outreach effort.

    policingPolicing: DII employs off-duty police officers for the DII Foot and Bike Patrol to augment IMPD’s efforts allowing us to deploy them in timely hot spots, for special events and other critical areas. 

    camerasCameras: DII and the City of Indianapolis funded and facilitated the enhancement of an integrated camera system with private property surveillance cameras monitored by IMPD allowing for crime deterrence and active investigations.

    partnershipPartnership: DII facilitates quarterly meetings with the property-based security department to foster mutual understanding and cooperation between private stakeholders and IMPD.
    presentationsPresentations: DII meets frequently with residential associations, downtown stakeholder groups and business/property owners totaling nearly 200 safety presentations annually. In addition, in partnership with IMPD, free training is provided to Downtown businesses with emphasis on such topics as Public Response to Active Shooter, Verbal De-escalation and Self-Defense. For more information, contact Sgt. Kim Evans.

*Source: Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department